Discrete manufacturing is defined by strict guidelines and procedures both in terms of parts and supply management. Product’s composing constituents, parts of an industrial recipe, are either recognizable or indistinguishable at the end of the production process. In both cases, the completed objects are cohesive but can be broken down into their original ingredients. Objects made in this manner theoretically facilitate elemental replacement or repair to avoid premature obsolescence.
Building construction is an interesting case study when assessed and examined in relation to discrete manufacturing. Building is probably the only industrial sector that liberally combines products, parts or components generated from disparate visions of the overall process and minimal prototyping of how edifices are assembled.
A building is an example of discrete manufacturing in the same way an automobile or a computer is. However, a building also contains components that are prepared by process or batch manufacturing incorporating ingredients or outlined by specific formulas that once generated are fixed in a state that impedes disassembly. Concrete, mortar, or polymers are materials that act as glues or binders. Their production is permanent and can’t be reversed. Even through demolition the composing parts aren’t returned to their original state.
Industrial building culture defined building design as a systemic organization of predetermined, premade, catalogued, and standardized parts assembled into a distinct or singular edifice produced for a particular function or use that is usually demolished at the end of its service life. Making construction even more distinct from manufacturing, certain elements are not linked to any production, for example: site or context. Buildings are set in a particular locus requiring setting-specific foundations and earthworks for their long-term stability. At best, complementary visions of production that come together in construction are a fusion and harmonization of discrete production, job and process production. At worst building construction is fragmented, entangled and leads to perpetual conflict.
Offsite construction, prefabrication and industrialized building systems are designed to facilitate building assembly and speak to a type of discrete manufacturing that aims to address the longstanding fragmentation by streamlining design, fabrication and construction through a coherent product-based ideological thread that includes systematic prototyping for assembly of segments and sub-assemblies in the building process.
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Discrete manufacturing from https://www.ibaset.com |